dispGIF (Display GIF™) is a HyperCard® XFCN to display a GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) picture in a moveable, scrollable, sizeable and zoomable window. The window can be moved around and scrolled while the image is converting (signified by the spinning "beach ball" pointer). If MultiFinder® is active, applications in the background continue to work as the picture is converted and you may switch to other applications too. There are many other features, as described below.
For more information regarding the use of dispGIF in your freeware, shareware or commercial stack(s), contact us for details. To register dispGIF for personal use (for YOUR use only or for using this stack as a GIF viewer), send a check or money order for $20 to our address below.
If you are a registered user of Turbo View or Gizmo, the registration fee is $10. Click the Personal License button below to print an order form.